2. Under no-load conditions, input the specified air pressure into the cylinder, and its action should be smooth, without any jamming or crawling phenomenon;
3. Under an air pressure of 0.6 MPa, the output torque or thrust of the pneumatic device in both directions of opening and closing should not be less than the value indicated on the pneumatic device label, and the action should be flexible, without permanent deformation or other abnormal phenomena in any part;
When conducting the sealing test with the maximum working pressure, the amount of air leaked from each back pressure side shall not exceed (3+0.15D) cm3/min (standard state); The amount of air leaking from the end cap and output shaft shall not exceed (3+0.15d) cm3/min;
5. The strength test shall be conducted at 1.5 times the maximum working pressure, and after maintaining the test pressure for 3 minutes, there shall be no leakage or structural deformation in the cylinder end cover and static sealing parts;
6. The number of times the pneumatic device simulates the action of a pneumatic valve, while maintaining the output torque or thrust capability in both directions, the number of opening and closing operations should not be less than 50000 times (one opening closing cycle);
7. Pneumatic devices with buffering mechanisms are not allowed to experience impact when the piston reaches the end of its stroke.
If you want to learn more about low-priced products, please visit the following website: www.xm-valveactuator.com